For pancreatic cancer patients, dietitians recommended 6-8 snacks or small meals throughout the day at scheduled times – even if you are without an appetite – to ease digestion and maintain good quality of life.

It’s helpful to have a caregiver assist in planning and preparing healthy snack or meals, if possible.

“A healthy snack should include a protein paired with a fruit, whole grain (as tolerated) or a vegetable,” said Maria Petzel, senior clinical dietitian at MD Anderson Cancer Center and a member of the Scientific and Medical Advisory Board at the Pancreatic Cancer Action Network (PanCAN). “If you’re experiencing diarrhea, opt for low-fiber bread, crackers or cereals, and peel thick-skinned fruits and vegetables.”

Consider these healthy, easy-to-make recipes:

Patients with pancreatic cancer often have many questions and concerns about nutritional careMyPlate and American Institute for Cancer Research can be used as  resources for healthy diets. Also, a registered dietitian can help with questions about the role of diet in cancer care and cancer prevention. A dietitian can also work with patients to meet their individual dietary needs.

Contact PanCAN Patient Services for comprehensive disease information – including our diet and nutrition booklet, nutrition tips and recipes – and help finding a registered dietitian in your area.

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